VOM was developed by William L. Inman BS, BS, DVM, CVCP, in Seattle, WA, in Dr. Inman’s clinical practice from July of 1982 to 1996. It continues to be enhanced and perfected due to the input of over 8300 practitioners worldwide who have taken the VOM Technology training.
In 1996 he began teaching the VOM, VMR, Somato-Visceral, and Myofascial Release fulltime in lieu of clinical practice. He traveled across the United States for the next 20 years tirelessly putting on seminars to train as many practitioners as he could to save as many animals as possible. The results were undeniable and he knew it was his mission.
He was also the founder of the International Association of Veterinary Chiropractitioners (IAVCP). The IAVCP is the largest animal adjusting organization in the world.

In 2003 Dr. Inman developed an animal application of Cold Laser Therapy called Frequency-Specific Veterinary Low Level Laser Therapy (VL3T). Before Dr. Inman started using these non-invasive techniques, he was an accomplished veterinary surgeon and conventional practitioner.
Dr. Inman was awarded a doctorate in Veterinary Medicine, Surgery and Dentistry from Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 1979, where he graduated with Honors (Cum Laude), Phi Beta Kappa and Alpha Psi, (National Veterinary Scholastic Honors). His vacillation to VOM from surgery and conventional care reflects his frustration in ineffective solutions to common veterinary medical problems.
VOM was developed in a vacuum, meaning it was developed with a trial and error approach in a clinical setting without input from other sources. Dr. William Inman has been the sole source of the VOM Technology. The body of the VOM Technology is the culmination of information gleaned from over 35,000 patients treated for clinical disease.
Dr. Inman has taught in excess of 8300 practitioners throughout the U.S. in a seminar series that is presented in five modules. Unlike AVCA certification and instruction that takes 150 hours and five modules to complete, a Certified Veterinary Chiropractitioner (CVCP) can adequately apply VOM after taking “VOM Small Animal Module One.” The first five modules are recommended, however, and are delivered in a long three-day weekend or can now be taken at one’s leisure online followed by a hands-on seminar.
VOM and VL3T have and will continue to be a healing technology by the clinical practitioner, for the clinical practitioner and is continually re-inventing itself through the applications and innovations of the over 8300 practitioners Dr. Inman has trained. It is a dynamic work in progress.

Three days before Christmas 2022, Dr. Bill was diagnosed with Stage IV Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, the tumor the size of a football, which had gone undiagnosed for months by several doctors and then misdiagnosed as a hiatal hernia (2 surgeons operated on him directly over the tumor and did not notice). Bill was optimistic that he could fight this disease and win and in his words, “I’ve still got work to do and more animals to heal.”
He pushed painstakingly through chemotherapy and trials and new treatments. And although he would never give up, his body had other ideas.
He shared his journey on Facebook and created 65 posts entitled “THE CANCER CHRONICLES,” Musings of an Old Doggy Doctor. Although hard to see the decline and struggles he endured, his posts were profound and optimistic. Even while admitted into the ICU at Swedish Hospital in Seattle after an adverse reaction to a trial, he was adamant about answering every phone call from doctors needing help with their cases. He taught fervently until his last day on earth.
His passion for healing was only surpassed by his love for his family. His wife and his two daughters vowed to continue his legacy by keeping his training courses going with the help of Dr. Bill’s trusted colleagues and all the practitioners he has trained throughout his lifetime. This will ensure the future of VOM and Laser Technology and justify the years of dedication and the constant battle to get recognized in the veterinary and chiropractic industries.
And as the VOM motto states and in Dr. Bill’s words, and in the end,
“It’s about the animals.”